On The Cover: This local landmark is framed by the gorgeous dogwoods at the home of local horticulturist River Byrd. Besides photography, River enjoys traveling, hiking, and kayaking, as well as gardening. This photo was taken from his home garden on Volunteer Drive.

Summer 2024 PARIS
Smantha, daughters, and Mom

Editor’s Notes

It’s Spring but it’s also Mother’s Day

In this issue of PARIS!, writers are celebrating the warm sunshine, longer days and colorful blooms with an array of articles.

John Watkins kicks us off with his always humorous take on gardening with a lesson on spring flower bulbs and Steve McCadams is headed to the lake to fish already. If you’re looking for something to do, look no further. Rhonda Stanton clues us in on all the spring happenings at KPAC and a new program for your little ones. Meredith Vajda writes about the upcoming fundraiser at Paris Academy for the Arts featuring Sammy Goldstein and Dan Knowles sharing the stage together for the first time.

Looking for a little history? Shannon Mcfarlin has written about the old Scott Fitzhugh Bridge and the day that Smiley Burnette came to town, as well as our Spotlight article featuring a very special lady from the 6888th battalion.

Karen Geary got the “rest of the story” in a follow-up on Bruce Carlisle and sat down with Jack Tarkington to discuss his new “surprise” book.

There’s so much more in this issue with a story on TEAM READ’s volunteers, Jesse Parker, Jr.’s family antics, a wonderful recipe using leftover Easter ham, and an article about a sweet young lady finding her passion early on with her family.

Family is so important and I’d like to dedicate this issue to my precious Moma, Robbie McNutt, who recently passed away. She was born and raised in Henry County and I’m pretty sure she knew almost everyone. She was so friendly and she knew no stranger. She never traveled much and I ask her why once. She said there wasn’t much need, “I already live in the best spot.” Truer words were never spoken.

I miss you already, Moma.

In This Issue

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REMINISCENCE: When Smiley Came to Town
REMINISCENCE: When Smiley Came to Town

By Shannon McFarlin

You may not recognize the name but you probably would know the face and especially the voice– at least those of you who watch retro television channels like TV Land. Read More >>

SPOTLIGHT: Jean Palmer, Serving Her Country, Serving Her County
SPOTLIGHT: Jean Palmer, Serving Her Country, Serving Her County

By Shannon McFarlin

During World War II, Lima Jean Palmer was staying with her aunt in East St. Louis when she made a big decision. She enlisted in the U.S. Army and walked right into history. Read More >>

FEATURE: The Rest of the Story for Bruce Carlisle
FEATURE: The Rest of the Story for Bruce Carlisle

Radio personality Paul Harvey often said “…and now you’ve heard the rest of the story” when he closed out his broadcasts. He would tell a story about an everyday person or event, cut to commercials after leaving the tale with a cliffhanger, and then returned to finish his story with his classic tagline. Read More >>

FEATURE: Bull's Eye for Local Champion
FEATURE: Bull's Eye for Local Champion

By Smantha Parker

Archery is an ancient sport that evolved from early humans hunting wild game for survival. Today, it is a popular sport that people of all ages and abilities can participate in for fun and competition. For one local teen, bows and arrows have been her path to higher education. Read More >>

GREAT OUTDOORS: Make Spring Official... Head on Down to the Lake!
GREAT OUTDOORS: Make Spring Official... Head on Down to the Lake!

By Steve McCadams

When the dogwoods go on parade, filling the rolling hills and hollows of the region with their unique white displays, Spring has sprung. Read More >>

REMEMBER WHEN: Spanning Time
REMEMBER WHEN: Spanning Time

By Shannon McFarlin

For many of us, these sights were familiar– not to mention unsettling – sights from the past. This is how it looked when you drove over the old Scott Fitzhugh Bridge which spanned the Tennessee River before it was replaced by the Ned McWherter Bridge. Read More >>

FEATURE: Wordsmith and His Musings
FEATURE: Wordsmith and His Musings

By Karen Geary

There’s an old adage that states “Everyone has a book in them and that, in most cases, is where it should stay.” Maybe so, but for Jack Tarkington, his “Middle-Aged Musings” cumulated into a 539-page book of Henry County lore and interesting viewpoints on life. Read More >>

RECOLLECTIONS: The Last Apple and a Brother's Adventures
RECOLLECTIONS: The Last Apple and a Brother's Adventures

By Jesse Parker, Jr

Back in the 1960’s and 70’s Granddaddy Bowden had a black and white paint horse named “Ole Bob”. He was a former circus horse and Granddaddy could make him stand up on his hind legs while still riding on his back. Ole Bob could tell each young Parker child how old we were by stomping one foot at a time. One for each year of our age. Read More >>

FACES & PLACES: People & Events About Town
FACES & PLACES: People & Events About Town

Don’t miss this fun section chock full of the latest happenings in Paris and Henry County in these and many more sightings around town. Read More >>

SCHOOL OF THOUGHT : Team Read, From Learning to Read to Reading to Learn
SCHOOL OF THOUGHT : Team Read, From Learning to Read to Reading to Learn

TEAM READ is an individualized volunteer tutoring program under the direction of a classroom teacher for second graders who have trouble with basic reading skills. Since 2017, the program has been coordinated by Sue Quinn for the Henry County Literacy Council. Sue has a master’s degree in reading and has worked 49 years in education teaching reading, directly or indirectly. Read More >>

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Let's Have Spring Fun Together at KPAC
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Let's Have Spring Fun Together at KPAC

By Rhonda Stanton

There’s a new opportunity for kids aged three and four at Paris Civic Center. It’s called Mommy & Me: Music & Play. KPAC Young Artists has offered opportunities for kids as young as five-years-old through the theatre and music programs, but the question, “Do you have anything for younger children?” was often asked by parents. So…the plotting and planning began and the program was launched! Read More >>

AROUND OUR TOWN: Banjos and Ballads at Paris Academy for the Arts
AROUND OUR TOWN: Banjos and Ballads at Paris Academy for the Arts

By Meredith Vajda

Pianist and entertainer Sammy Goldstein is returning to Paris Academy for the Arts for a fundraising concert on Saturday, April 18. The Paris native returns home frequently and says “I’ve performed in venues from New York to Los Angeles, and on cruise ships around the world. But, I’m at my absolute happiest each time I get to come home and perform in Paris, Tennessee!” Read More >>

PARIS CUISINE: Ham-ming it up for Easter!
PARIS CUISINE: Ham-ming it up for Easter!

Have you ever heard the expression “they use everything about the pig except the squeal”? In a way, it’s true. Ham is a versatile meat, and meals cooked with it seem to shine, especially the Easter ham. Any leftover ham can easily be made into economical dinners and appetizers. Here’ a recipe your family is sure to love! Read More >>

IN THE GARDEN: Flower Bulbs, A Sure Sign of Spring!
IN THE GARDEN: Flower Bulbs, A Sure Sign of Spring!

By John Watkins

Have you noticed that some years it’s just hard to get into the mood for Spring? Here’s a good example. As I sit down to write this article in mid-February, we have just gone through 70 degree temperatures, torrential flooding, hail, tornado warnings, and two inches of snow. And that was all within a 24 hour period! Read More >>

JUST FOR FUN: Spring Crossword Fun
JUST FOR FUN: Spring Crossword Fun

Jump into spring with our Paris-themed crossed in the spring issue of PARIS!


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